The younger generation seems not interested on community and social works though Malaysia government had done a lot of promotion through various government departments / agencies and NGOs'. What's when wrong? Is it the current education system? Family and surrounding influence? Lacking religious understanding? ......... or what else?
During Dr. Mahathir Mohamad era, the are frequent Malaysia Book of Records breaker. Nowadays it seems to be slowing down. It is good to promote creativeness and innovative ideas! NGOs', government departments / agencies and individual tend to compete to create records with their initiative. It is the spirits of MALAYSIA BOLEH!
During that period, I came across some NGOs' which I do not think it is the right way to promote innovative ideas and creativeness!
1st case
About 15 years ago, there is a national youth organisation had successfully collected 100,000 paints of blood through the blood donation campaigns national wide. It is good but only ONCE! Yet this organization is proud of what they did 15 years ago till today! Why don't they do it every year?
2nd case
A few years back (during Dr. Mahathir era), an international community club in Kuala Lumpur had organised a blood donation campaign. This club call on all its sister club national wide to do the same. This club wants to made a records to collect the most blood in a day! Bravo! It's a good move! The question is why ONCE? Why don't the club do it often?
From the above cases, it can be concluded that community and social works are done for fame! To my understanding, community and social works have to be carry out sincerely and voluntarily. Do it generously and whole hearted with kindness.
People will forget what you did to them;
People will forget what you said about them;
People will never forget what you did that touch their heart!
Let's create a caring, compassionate and gratitude Malaysian!
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