Wednesday, 19 February 2020


Sg. Korbu in Jalong Tinggi is the only water source for the people of Sungai Siput estimated about 70,000.

Recently, the Orang Asli staying along the river complaint the river was polluted with diesel. The only activity that may cause pollution is the mini-hydro project upstream.

The project has brought tremendous natural disaster to the surrounding. The forest has been opened up to made way for the project. The opportunist carried out logging activities along the area with the reason for making a road for transportation.

The police report by the Orang Asli

Sunday, 16 February 2020


KRT Taman-Taman Muhibbah, Sungai Siput has successfully organized the "Gotong Royong Muhibbah Ceria" on 16 February, 2020. the programme jointly organized by Majlis Perbandaran Kuala Kangsar and Pejabat Kesihatan Daerah Kuala Kangsar. Assisted by COMBI Kg. Muhibbah. 

A clogged drain, suitable for Aedes mosquitoes breeding

Cleaned back lane in TMJ 2

Foreign workers from Mega Square came to assists


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Sungai Siput, Perak, Malaysia
