The "Eye Checking & Health Screening" in KOA Plantuk is successfully organised on 17 May, 2015. The event consists of eye checking by the Hospital Raja Perempuan Bainun, Ipoh - Ophthalmology Department lead by Dato' Dr. Jasvinder - Ophthalmology Consultant, health and pap smear screening by Kuala Kangsar District Health Department and dental checking by Kuala Kangsar District Dental Clinic.
Among VIPs attended the event are Mr Keshvinder Singh - Perak MB Special officer for Non-Islamic Affairs and Mr C. Sivarraajh - Perak MB Special Officer. The event also attended by VVIP, YTM Dato' Seri Raja Yong Sofia - the sister of DYMM Sultan of Perak. The Kampar Community Policing volunteers came to give a helping hand.
Brief YTM
YBU stuff
YTM with the villagers
YTM is listening with sympathy
Almost all villagers (about 600 people) came out to greet YTM, whom is a down the earth and simple princess. She attended to all the complaints by the OA women patiently. She ask me to look into the problems and keep her inform. Among the complaints are - a lady diabetes patient whom had her leg amputated requested for financial assistance and one lady whom her husband is a kidney patient need financial assistance for daily living too.
The turn out
Pap-smear screening
On the next day (today), I received a watsapp from Dato' Dr Jesvinder that YTM is very happy with the turnout and the way the programme is organised.
Eye screening
health exibition
dental check