Monday, 14 December 2015


The 3rd. 'Muhibbah' Blood Donation Campaign for 2015 has been successfully carried out on 13 December, 2015 in Pusat Komuniti Muhibbah, Sungai Siput with the cooperation of the Pathology Department, Hospital Raja Perempuan Bainun, Ipoh. A total of 57 multi-racial donors irrespective of gender, age and background came voluntarily to this good cause.

This event will be carry on annually.

Sunday, 16 August 2015


The 2nd Muhibbah Blood Donation Campaign for the year 2015 has been successfully organised today (16.8.2015) in Pusat Komuniti Muhibbah, Taman Muhibbah Aman, Sungai Siput. This event supported by Hospital Raja Pemaisuri Bainun, Ipoh - Pathology Department. The Organ Donation Unit of Hospital Sungai Siput put up a booth to encourage volunteer to pledge for organ donation.

50 volunteers donors from all race, gender and walks of life came.



Monday, 10 August 2015


My blog regarding the sports allocation dated 30 March 2015 refers.

After refer to the supplier, District Office and EXCO office, the items finally identified. It has been given to the Sungai Siput Division UMNO Youth. All the items are in their store. The allocated items are 5 sets of jersey, 2 FUTSAL ball, 3 football and 8 takraw ball.

All items have been handed to Persatuan Anak Temiar Jalong Tinggi on last Thursday 6 August, 2015 in Sungai Siput Divison UMNO Youth office. The items are handed by the Division UMNO Youth to the association Chairman, Kamis and Secretary, Juni witnessed by Batin Nasiri. It seems that the items are allocated by the Sungai Siput UMNO Youth Division instead it is Sdr. C. Sivaraajjh effort to get the allocation from the Perak state EXCO in-charge of Youth!


Monday, 3 August 2015


I received a SMS from Mat Seri on 1 August, 2015 morning that the KOA Lawai Batin's house burnt. The incident happened on 31st July mid-night. I paid a visit on the next day. Police and BOMBA came and report has been made. Jabatan Kebajikan came for verification, however JAKOA which has been notified but no action yet.

The fire brigade from Sungai Siput came but cannot cross the bridge in Kelah therefore has to turn back. According Batin Uda, he wonder why the water pressure is low compare to normal days. Arrangement has been made to get daily household to the Batin. 

KOA Lawai is the highest village in Jalong Tinggi. It located at 735 m above sea level surrounded by secondary jungle thus it has a cool surrounding all day long.

Sunday, 12 July 2015


Uncertain weather recently, made life of the Temiar ethnic in Jalong Tinggi, Sungai Siput miserable. They are facing difficulties to get food. They cannot go into the forest for foods or other supplies for living as the wild life is looking for food too. They could not come out to town as the roads are damaged due to soil erosion, land slide etc. 

Today, 47 boxes of food box has been given out to all families in KOA Hussin. Big thank you to Yayasan Bina Upaya whom has been very cooperative and their prompt responsive is very much appreciated. The delegation lead by Dato' Tan Lian Hoe, chair lady PEWANI Perak.

Dato Tan with Batin Adnan

distributing food box to villager

interact with the villagers

Sunday, 5 July 2015


Distribution of dry food box and a dialogue in 'Orang Asal' villages has been arranged to day. The food box contributed by Yayasan Bina Upaya (YBU) meant for the hardcore poor in the state. 12 boxes were distributed to KOA Awal and 10 to KOA Kelah. Dato' Tan Lian Hoe, Perak PEWANI Chair-lady leads the distribution of food boxes.

group photo in KOA Awal

with Henry, the village chief (blue T-shirt)

jovial time by Dato' Tan (white T-shirt with red collar) with the villagers

Henry, the KOA Awal chief approached Dato' Tan with some issues concerning the village - street light, damaged road, houses for the village folks and economic development programme.

food boxes distribution in KOA Kelah

the villages with Dato' Tan

Talib, the village chief brought up issues concerning the villages

As usual, the 'Orang Asal' villages in Jalong Tinggi shared the same issues i.e. economic development, street lights, etc. KOA Kelah village chief requested to rebuild and cleaning the water catchment. I proposed cements to be sponsor by generous housing developer and the works can be carry out on 'gotong-royong' basis.

the village committee with Dato' Tan

After distributing the food boxes, a dialogue was held in KOA Landap. This is the continuation of the previous dialogue.

All these activities received tremendous respond from the 'Orang Asal' and the delegation are most welcome.

Saturday, 4 July 2015


The JKKK Chairman of KOA Plantuk, En. Ali Jaafar together with the new UMNO Cawangan Plantuk Chief, En. Siron seek my assistance to submit their request to the relevant department. As the 'Orang Asal' is under the jurisdiction of the Rural Development Ministry, their written request has been forward to YB Dato' Shaarani the EXCO in charge. Hopefully the Plantuk folks request will have YB Dato' Shaarani's consideration as their request have direct effect to their daily living.



A house in KOA Kenang has been burnt on 11 May, 2015. A police report has been made. I was told an appeal for repair has been submitted to JAKOA Sg. Siput, however until today no respond from the department. The village chief, Batin Saidin has approached JAKOA and advised to seek assistance either from other department as JAKOA do not have allocation for this purpose or write to the Minister.

This matter was brought to me recently. A written request under the Persatuan Anak Temiar Jalong Tinggi was submitted to Yayasan Bina Upaya Chairman, Dato' Shaarani who is also the State EXCO in charge of the rural development. Hopefully there is a positive respond from the Yayasan Bina Upaya soon.


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