Thursday, 30 January 2014


The OA in Jalong Tinggi, Sungai Siput has requested the YAB Menteri Besar Perak for a dialogue a month ago. The request was granted on 27 January, 2014 (Monday). The Perak State Executive Councillor [EXCO] in charge of rural development, YB Dato' Saarani was appointed to meet the OA. The OA represented by 3 Batins' (Kg. Pisang, Kenang and Landap) and the Kg. Kenang UMNO branch Chairman together with 5 others community leaders.

The dialogue received a positive respond from the EXCO as follows:
1. Road repair & maintenance - will apply allocation from KKLW via 'projek jalan kampung'
2. Electricity to Kg. Langkor - will try TNB and KKLW for allocation
3. Balai sewang - will arrange 'gotong royong' project  partly with the assistance from YBU
4. Economy development - Yayasan Bina Upaya to assist
5. Land matter - the district land office is in progress to acquire back the land from the respective owner and  to be given back to the OA
6. Telecomunication - CELCOM confirm the line will be fully install in 2 months from today
7. Bailey bridge - propose to change the current wooden Bailey bridge to metal
8. Eco-tourism guide - will liaise with the EXCO in charge of tourism to ensure young OA to be train as  eco-tour guide
9. Alcohol sales - the Sg. Siput police will be alert on this matter

Sunday, 26 January 2014


On 23 Jan. 2014, Yayasan Bina Upaya [YBU] has visited Kg. Kenang. I was asked to organize the visit whereby all Batins' have been call. The turn-out is good. All Batins and Chairmen of all OA NGOs' came. En. Hairul Anwar, the COO of YBU and Mr Jodh Singh, the Community & Training Manager attended the event with a few YBU staff and volunteers. YBU brought a lorry load of clothing for the OA.

On the course of the event, a dialogue was held. The issues brought up by the OA were land matter, living standard and amenities, road maintenance & street lights, balai sewang, telecommunication, electricity to Kg. Langkor, logging activities, mini hydro, ASTRO NJoi installation, hall repair, sports facilities and housing.

The respond from the COO is positive and he will try to assist to develop young entrepreneur among the OA with venture funds from YBU. He also suggested that a 'gotong royong' can be held to rebuild sports facilities, hall and other amenities.

YBU is a not for profit organization established in 2009 to reduce poverty in the Perak state. 

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Sungai Siput, Perak, Malaysia
