The OA in Jalong Tinggi, Sungai Siput has requested the YAB Menteri Besar Perak for a dialogue a month ago. The request was granted on 27 January, 2014 (Monday). The Perak State Executive Councillor [EXCO] in charge of rural development, YB Dato' Saarani was appointed to meet the OA. The OA represented by 3 Batins' (Kg. Pisang, Kenang and Landap) and the Kg. Kenang UMNO branch Chairman together with 5 others community leaders.
The dialogue received a positive respond from the EXCO as follows:
1. Road repair & maintenance - will apply allocation from KKLW via 'projek jalan kampung'
2. Electricity to Kg. Langkor - will try TNB and KKLW for allocation
3. Balai sewang - will arrange 'gotong royong' project partly with the assistance from YBU
4. Economy development - Yayasan Bina Upaya to assist
5. Land matter - the district land office is in progress to acquire back the land from the respective owner and to be given back to the OA
6. Telecomunication - CELCOM confirm the line will be fully install in 2 months from today
7. Bailey bridge - propose to change the current wooden Bailey bridge to metal
8. Eco-tourism guide - will liaise with the EXCO in charge of tourism to ensure young OA to be train as eco-tour guide
9. Alcohol sales - the Sg. Siput police will be alert on this matter
9. Alcohol sales - the Sg. Siput police will be alert on this matter