Recent visit to a few 'orang asal' settlements in Jalong Tinggi, shows that the Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asal [JAKOA] is not doing enough to improve the living quality and surrounding. Sources said that the current Member of Parliament and State Assemblyman did not visit them at all.
Batin Saidin of Kg. Kenang shown me the clogged drain. The nearby houses flooded during heavy rain. My advise to them: all villagers must do their civil responsibility to clear the drain in front of their house. Do not wait for assistance from government department as it may take time, however, a 'gotong-royong' will be plan soon.
roads are badly damaged. No repair and maintenance works carry out for
the past 5 years after Dato' Seri Utama Samy Vellu lost the
Sungai Siput Parliament!
At the same time, a memorandum will be forward to Perak Menteri Besar, hope to have his consent and attention.